SPELL: absorb spell | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 1 turn/level AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
SCHOOL: metamagic, abjuration COMPONENTS: v,s CASTING TIME: 5 SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the caster to use absorbed spell-energy to recall previously cast spells. When, at any time within the duration of this spell, the caster succeeds in a saving throw against spells like blindness, hold person or other personal spells that have no effect if a saving throw is made, the caster can instantly rememorize one spell of the same level or multiples of lower level. I.e. a saving throw is made against a 6th-level spell, the wizard can now recall one 6th-level spell, two 3rd-level spells, six 1st-level spells, etc. This spell is not effective on area effect spells, innate spells, spell without saving throws and non-hostile spells. The caster must have the spell-slots free to rememorize the spells and must have had them memorized within the last 48 hours. |
SPELL: concentrated fire | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 20 feet DURATION: instantaneous AREA OF EFFECT: 1 creature |
SCHOOL: metamagic COMPONENTS: s CASTING TIME: special SAVING THROW: special |
This spell enables the caster to concentrate the full power of an area effect spell on a single creature. This spell may be up to 4th level. The victim receives a saving throw vs. breath weapon. If he succeeds in the saving throw, the spell inflicts 1 point of damage per die extra and the caster can reroll all 1s. If the saving throw is failed, the victim suffers maximum damage + 1 point per die. The casting of this spell can be done with the attack spell in one round. Thereby, the casting time of the attack spell is prolonged by 1. For example, a 9th-level mage casts a fireball at one creature. If the victim makes his saving throw, he suffers 9d6+18 points of damage. If he fails his saving throw, he suffers 72 (9x6+18) points of damage, requiring a system shock roll to survive if not killed outright. |
SPELL: disrobement | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 1 day/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
SCHOOL: metamagic, enchantment COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 5 SAVING THROW: none |
This spell is cast upon any nonmetallic worn item before another spell of any level is cast. The casting of a disrobement consumes a handful of diamnond dust (crushed diamonds worth 3d4+1x1000 GP), but the item it is cast on is not harmed or consumed by this magic. This item can be as large as a gown or as small as a ring or earring, but cannot be something already bearing an enchantment. The second spell is cast in the normal way, but the caster -who need not be the caster of the disrobement- touches the item bearing the dweomer of the disrobement during casting, and the spell enters the item rather than taking effect. Teleport, death spell, and meteor swarm are favorite spells to be used in conjunction with Laeral's disrobement. This second spell takes effect when the item is removed from or torn away from an unwilling wearer or when the item is destroyed or substantially damaged (tearing a sleeve from a shirt, for example, or slashing a tunic with a sword). Although a metal dagger could not be made the focus of a disrobement, its sheath could. Item-wearers are instantly made aware of erupting spells. These spell are under their control even if they have no spellcasting ability or are of another class than the caster of either the disrobement of the spell it has stored. The item-wearer can decide what form the spell takes (if any), its duration of intensity (if applicable) and its destination or target. This control is by silent act of will. Even bound and gagged item-wearers can direct erupting spells. Even if item-wearers make foolish decisions about spell effects, they can never be directly harmed by an unleashed spell. If the item-wearer made a fireball detonate with herself at the center, she and all worn, carried, and touched items and companions would be completely protected by the disrobement, but the fireball's blast would have normal effects on everything else it reached. If the disrobement expires before the item is removed or harmed, this second spell is lost without taking effect. |
SPELL: shadow head | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 90 feet DURATION: 1 round/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
SCHOOL: metamagic, invocation COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 5 SAVING THROW: none |
When this spell is memorized, it is woven around any already-memorized spell of 1st through 4th level. The two spells combine, becoming a single 5th-level spell in the caster's mind, and freeing up the mind-space occupied by the lesser spell. When this spell is cast, it creates a spectral head: a humanlike, disembodied, floating head that appears to be composed of translucent shadow. The head can be the size of the caster's own or larger to a maximum of the caster's entire body. The head moves and speaks as the caster wills. Controlling and maintaining its existence does not prevent the caster from casting other spells. A shadow head typically gives a guiding or warning message. The caster can speak through its mouth as long as the head is within range, though spell incantations of magical item words of activation uttered by the head do not work. The head can also be empowered to speak when certain triggering conditions are met, in the same way a magic mouth spell does. The predetermined message in this case can be up to 50 words in length, can be delivered in any language the caster knows, and can be spoken in any voice the caster can mimic. A shadow head has no solid existence and can do nothing but speak (note that it can threaten or midlead). If any attack, magical or physical, passes through it, the spell it was combined with (typically fireball or lightning bolt) is instantly launched from the head at the source of the attack. The head then vanishes. The material components for this spell are a scrap of cobweb that a shadow has once fallen across and a bit of tongue from any creature. |
SPELL: spell rush | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 0 DURATION: instantaneous AREA OF EFFECT: special |
When this spell is cast it triggers either two other memorized spells up to 6th level to occur within that same round or three spells occuring after each other in this round and the two rounds thereafter. Spell effects can be directed normally. The material components of the triggered spell must still be provided. |
SPELL: spell thrust | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 2 rounds AREA OF EFFECT: 10 feet/level |
This spell causes up to two hostile spell manifestations (once per round of its existence) to rebound back instantly at their source. Thus, a lightning bolt would leap back whence it came, the blast of an expanding fireball would be directed back at its source in a long jet of flame, and so on. Creatures at a rebounded spell's source are allowed whatever saving throws the returned spell normally affords potential victims. If multiple manifestations occur in a round, the spellcaster chooses which one is thrust back at its source. The caster of the spell thrust need not be able to see the source of a spell to rebound it. |
SPELL: spell link | |
LEVEL: 6 RANGE: 10 yards/level DURATION: 2 rouds/level AREA OF EFFECT: 1 creature |
SCHOOL: metamagic, enchantment COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 6 SAVING THROW: special |
This spell enables the wizard to channel spells through another creature. There are three effects: 1. The recipient appears to be a spellcaster, but need not move or speak. 2. The caster can cast spells on the recipient that normally operate only on the spellcaster himself. 3. The caster can cast spells that normally require touching the recipient from a distance. The spell creates a one-way telepathic link from the recipient to the spellcaster, through which the recipient can think messages to the caster and the caster can hear what the recipient hears if he concentrates. Distance is not a factor for this spell, as long as caster and the recipient are on the same plane. The recipient is aware of what spell is coming through and only he can direct the spell to targets, etc., not the spellcaster. Mote that because of this, the spell is useless against unwilling creatures, for they can just direct hostile spells at somebody else, possibly even de caster himself. The material component is a hair from a wizard other than the caster. |
SPELL: spell mirror | |
LEVEL: 6 RANGE: 20 feet/level DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: special |
This spell is cast on a reflective surface of any sort. It is usually used to lay traps for intruders. For one turn after a spell mirror is cast the surface waits. Within this period of time, the first spell of 4th-level or less or any magical item discharge (regardless of level equivalency) that is directed at the mirror is swallowed up, tracelessly. These spells "arm" the mirror. This swallowed spell-effect does not manifest until the mirror is destroyed or looked into by a being or beings specified in the casting of the spell mirror. Typical specifications defined in this spell are: "any orc shaman," "Eldaerus the Mage of Neverwinter," "a priest of any evil faith," or even "any mage who is not me or Aldagh or Shonter." When the conditions for activation the spell mirror are met, the magic held by the mirror springs forth with full effect and normal area of effect. specific targeting directions or spots for discharges are determined by the caster of the spell mirror during the spell's original casting. Saving throws apply only if the erupting spell normally allows them. The material components of this spell are the mirror and a handful of dust from any powdered object that was once magical. The mirror surface is not damaged by the spell process, even when the stored spell erupts. |
SPELL: transfer | |
LEVEL: 6 RANGE: touch DURATION: instantaneous AREA OF EFFECT: 1 magical item |
SCHOOL: alteration COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 round SAVING THROW: negating |
This spell is able to 'steal' the permanency magic from any permanent magical item, and then bestow it on an already existing magic. Any magical item that this spell is cast on recieves an item saving throw against disintegration, modified for the fact that the item is magical, representing the fact that permanency magic resists against disruption. If the saving throw is made, the magical item remains unharmed and this spell is lost. If the saving throw is failed, the magic of the item, whatever it was, is lost, but this spell bestows the permanency effect on the chosen magical effect. This magical effect can be anything, but if it is functioning on a living creature, this creature's Constitution will be lowered by one point due to the strong energies of the permanency magic, which was ment for an item rather than a living being. Particularly large effects may require more than one transfer to become truly stable. Unstability after one transfer is noticed immediately by the wizard and will result in an effective duration of 1d10 years. Note that this spell has the same restrictions as to which magical effects can be made permanent and the wizard's knowledge about this as the permanency spell itself. Any dispelling attempts against the extended magical effect are made against the transfer caster's level. |
SPELL: instant apprentice | |
LEVEL: 7 RANGE: touch DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 creature |
SCHOOL: metamagic COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 round SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables non-spellcasters to cast a spell for once and spellcasters, of lower level than the caster, to cast a more powerfull spell than they normally can. For every level above 13th the caster has, he can bestow one (additional) spell-level to the recipient, to a maximum of five spell-levels. Only one spell can be transferred per casting. Spells transferred are wiped from the casters memory. Material component: a glass rod with a small gem at each end, worth at least 500 GP, which must be kept, unbroken, by the caster for the transferred spell to work. It shatters when the transferred spell is cast. |
SPELL: persistence | |
LEVEL: 7 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 1 day/level AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
SCHOOL: metamagic, invocation/evocation COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 turn SAVING THROW: none |
This spell allows the wizard to cast a spell of 6th level or lower and then hold it until it is needed. A Any spell that augments the wizard's natural abilities, or other caster-affecting spells can be made persistent by use of this spell. The wizard casts persistence and then immediately follows with the desired spell. Instead of taking effect immediately, the magic of the persistence holds it ready for use by a simple act of will. The wizard can then "turn on" or "turn off" the girded spell as often as he likes over the course of the duration of the persistence. The duration of the girded spell only runs while the spell is active, so a 15th level wizard who makes a fly spell persistent will be able to use 1d6+15 turns of flight over the next 15 days as he sees fit. B Spells that have an instantaneous effect, such as most attack spells and some movement spells like teleport or dimension door, can be rendered persistent as well. The held spell may be activated or discharged at any time during the duration of the persistence, but its magic is then exhausted as if it had been cast normally. A wizard may have no more than one persistence spell active at any given time. The material component is a crystal chalice of exquisite workmanship worth at least 2000 GP. The material component is expended when the spell is made persistent. |
SPELL: reaction | |
LEVEL: 7 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 366 days AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
SCHOOL: metamagic, evocation COMPONENTS: s CASTING TIME: 2 SAVING THROW: none |
This spell triggers two spells, one in the round when he is cast, the other the round after that. One personal spell and one attack spell, both up to 7th-level can be triggered. Only one reaction can be active at any given time. Activating the reaction only takes an earlier set movement like snapping fingers or the like, but still, the spell takes a lot of concentration, so it is the wizard's only action for that round. |
SPELL: spell sequencer | |
LEVEL: 7 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 366 days AREA OF EFFECT: special |
When memorizing this spell, a wizard must select one to three other spells of 1st to 4th levels. The number of spells is at the discretion of the wizard, though the maximum cannot be exceeded, and the spells can be of the same level or even be identical -for example, four fireball spells. The selected magics must be cast immediately after the spell sequencer is memorized, employing the usual material components, but preceding each casting with the word that will later unleash the spell sequencer. (The word forms the verbal component of the spell; when it is spoken the sequencer is cast.) The spells need not be cast by the wizard memorizing the sequencer, or even by a wizard; priest spells can be linked to a sequencer. The spells have no effect at the time they are cast, but when the trigger word is later uttered (casting the spell sequencer), all of them take effect in the same round, one after the other, in the order in which they were cast, until all the spells have taken effect. Spell targets are selected by the will of the sequencer-caster. The sequencer-caster must be able to see all intended targets when the sequencer is cast. |
SPELL: spell supremacy | |
LEVEL: 7 RANGE: 0 DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
This powerful, little-known spell allows the caster's next two spells to be cast by silent act of will alone, without material components, and with a casting time of 1. Moreover, both spells manifest for their full possible damage and duration. Spell supremacy is only effective in augmenting the effects of spells of 6th level or less. If the caster uses more powerful spells, they do not benefit, but the spell supremacy magic is exhausted in any case. |
SPELL: steal enchantment | |
LEVEL: 7 RANGE: touch DURATION: permanent AREA OF EFFECT: one item |
SCHOOL: metamagic, enchantment COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 hour SAVING THROW: negating |
This spell "steals" the enchantment from a magical item and places it whin another, nonmagical item (the material component). Both objects must be touched by the wizard during casting. The two items must be of the same category (blunt weapon, edged weapon, ring, amulet, shield, armor, wand, etc.). The enchantment can be transferred only to a nonmaigcal item. Only the energy of one item can be transferred; it is not possible to combine two magical items into one item. The new item has all the properties of the original magical item (including the same number of charges, if any). At the clumination of the spell, the original magical object is allowed an item saving throw vs. disintergration with all modifiers it is allowed as a magical item. Exceptionally powerful objects (such as artifacts) may be considered to automatically succeed the saving throw at the DM's discreation. If the saving throw is successful, the magical object resists the effect and the spell ends in failure. If the roll is failed, the magical item loses all of its powers, which are transferred to the previously nonmagical object. Even if the magical item fails its saving throw, the spell's success is not guaranteed. There is a chance that the enchantment might be lost. The base chance of this occurring is 100%, modified by -5% per level of the caster. Thus, a 20th-level wizard has no chance of losing the magic. If the enchantment is lost, both items become nonmagical. The material component is the nonmagical item which is to receive the enchantment. It must be of equeal or greater value than the object to be drained. |
SPELL: synostodweomer | |
LEVEL: 7 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 1 round AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
SCHOOL: metamagic, necromancy COMPONENTS: v,s CASTING TIME: 7 SAVING THROW: none |
This powerful spell, devised by the Simbul, allows the caster to transform the energy of another spell memorized by the caster into healing magic. The synostodweomer is cast, and then another spell of the caster's choosing. The second spell does not take effect, although any material componenets it requires are consumed or altered in the usual manner for the particular spell, and the spell does vanish from the caster's mind. Instead, any being touched by the regains 2 hit points for every level of the transformed (second) spell (a 9th-level spell would give an injured being back 18 hit points). This spell does not grant extra hit points, but "excess" points conveyed can have special effects. An excess of 5 points cures any one diease possessed by the injured creature, and an excess of 7 points banishes all effects of poison. If both afflictations are present, the caster must choose which to cure unless there is enough of an excess -12 hit points- to cure both. A synostodweomer does not affect lycanthropy. If the recipient is neither diseased nor poisoned, or there are not at least 5 extra points conveyed, the excess curing is simply lost. The healing capability endowed by the synostodweomer must be used within three rounds, or both it and the second, transformed spell are lost and wasted. Healing can only be granted by direct flesh-to-flesh contact. Only spells memorized by the caster of the synostodweomer can be transformed into healing energy by this spell. It cannot transform spells from scrolls or spell-like magical item functions or abilities. |
SPELL: double wizardry | |
LEVEL: 8 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 1 turn/level AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
This spell allows the caster to store up to four spells for later use. These spells are cast by him or her in the normal manner in the turn after the double wizardry is cast. Each stored spell must be of 7th level or less, and storing each spell causes the caster a loss of 1d6 hp. These lost hit points must be regained by rest or healing, but cannot be regained while the spells they are linked to are still stored. During any round in which the double wizardry is in effect, the caster can call forth one or two of the stored spells by silent act of will. They take their normal effects unless circumstances prohibit this -for example, if the caster cannot see a spell target who must be in view for the spell to function. If a dispel magic is cast on the caster of the double wizardry while it is in effect, the least powerful (or last memorized, if two spells of the same level are stored) spell in storage erupts involuntarily. It lashes out at the source of the dispel magic. Other stored spells are unaffected. The death of the caster or the expiration of the spell causes all stored spells to be lost. This spell does not allow a caster to augment the spells in his or her mind beyond normal limits: stored spells are still considered memorized for thsi purpose. The material component of a double wizardry is a double-yolked egg. It need not be fresh, and may even be petrified. |
SPELL: embattlement | |
LEVEL: 9 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 1 day/level AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
Casting an embattlement requires four drops of water and a gem of not less than 4000 gp value. After this spell is cast, the caster can cast up to six additional spells (each one in the usual fashion, requiring normal material components and the like) and elect to have them wait, unleashed, as part of the embattlement. For each spell so stored, the caster loses 1d4 hit points that cannot be regained until the spell is cast. (At that time, they must be restored by healing or rest; they do not return automatically.) There is no known means of ruining spells stored in an embattlement. They persist even beyond the death of the caster, who may later rise as an undead able to unleash them! If the caster outlives the spell duration without casting all of the spells, however, unused ones are lost. Spells of any level that the caster can wield can be so stored. They can be unleashed by silent act of will at any time, at a maximum speed of two spells per round. No other eing can provide spells for the embattlement to store. Note that the caster must be conscious, and for certain spells must be able to see a target, but she or he need not speak, move, or employ material components to enact stored spells. More than one supposedly helpless captive has destroyed foes by means of this spell. This spell does not allow a caster to augment the spells in his or her mind beyond normal limits: stored spells are still considered memorized for this purpose. |
SPELL: eye of power | |
LEVEL: 9 RANGE: 10 feet/level DURATION: 1 round/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
SCHOOL: metamagic, evocation COMPONENTS: v,s CASTING TIME: 1 turn SAVING THROW: special |
This spell enables the caster to create a wizard eye that is akin in all respects to the effect of the 4th-level wizard spell of the same name, except that is can appear anywhere, at any distance from the caster in the spell range. It is a visible, flying eyeball, and spells can be cast through it. In other words, the caster can work spells in the usual way, but elect to have them emitted silently from the eye, as of the eye was on of the caster's hands. Saving throws against these magics are permitted if the spells normally allow saving throws. The caster need not concetrate on the eye to maintain its existence, but must do so to move it. Only one spell per round can be cast through the eye, and the eye halts during the casting. Only spells of 7th level or less can be cast through an eye of power. More powerful spells fail, simultaneously causing the eye to collapse. No being other than the creator of an eye of power can cast spells through it. An eye of power is AC 1, has an MV Fl 21 (A), has 77 hp, and makes a saving throw vs. spell as if it were the caster. If it is destroyed by damage, the spell ends early. |
SPELL: improved contingency | |
LEVEL: 9 RANGE: 20' DURATION: 366 days AREA OF EFFECT: 30' radius |
SCHOOL: metamagic, evocation COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 round SAVING THROW: none |
By means of this spell, one other spell up to 9th-lvl. can be triggered. This spell can be cast on the caster or some other place. The other spell is triggered when a set condition occurs within the 30' radius. Materials: a beholder eyestalk and a 500 GP gem. |
SPELL: spell editor | |
LEVEL: 9 RANGE: 0 DURATION: instantaneous AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
SCHOOL: metamagic, invocation COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 turn SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the caster to create any spell he would need without having to research it. The player writes down the spell and shows it to his DM as if he was going to research it. The DM will check the spell and assign it a spell-level. Then the spell editor is cast and makes that the new spell is memorized. The new spell can be cast normally any time thereafter, but once cast it is gone. To cast that spell again, the caster must either employ another spell editor or research the spell normally. Material component: a small white pebble. |
SPELL: spell trigger | |
LEVEL: 9 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 366 days AREA OF EFFECT: special |
When memorizing this spell, a wizard must select one to four other spells of 1st to 7th levels. The number of spells is at the discreation of the wizard, though the maximum cannot be exceeded, and the spells can be of the same leven or even be identical -for example, four death spells. The selected magics must be cast immediately after the spell trigger is memorized, employing the usual material components, but precedidng each casting with the word that will later the spell trigger. (The word forms the verbal components of the spell; when it is spoken the spell trigger is cast.) The spells need not be cast by the wizard memorizing the spell trigger, or even by a wizard; priest spells can be linked to a spell trigger. The spells have no effect at the time they are cast, but when the trigger word is later uttered (casting the spell trigger), all of them take effect in the same round, on after the other, in the order in which they were cast, until all the spells have taken effect. Spell damage is always the maximum possible, and targeths are selected by the will of the trigger-caster. The trigger-caster must be able to see all intended targets when the spell trigger is cast. |
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