This is a selection of spells I created for various (N)PC's of mine. These new spells all reflect my view that by finding a balance between mystery and something I will call magical realism, the magic becomes more believable, and thereby more real. But they still proved very useful for shattering castles and burning foes.
Please note that in my metamagic-section and my necromancy-section, some more new spells are introduced.
Although the Metamagic spells are designed for use in a campaign using Metamagic as a new school of philosophy, they can be used without it too. Decisions for introducing Metamagic-spells into a regular campaign should be made on a case-by-case basis by the DM. When used in a regular campaign, Metamagic spells are classified either under their additional school mentioned in de Metamagic spell-list or, if none is given there, as Alteration spells.
The new Necromancy spells can be used in any campaign, but are usually wielded by specialists in the school of necromancy. Mages tend to be a little reluctant to use such 'ethically-at-the-edge' spells.
In my campaign, I also use a new rule that allows high-level and/or highly-intelligent wizards to perform spell-research in less time than those lacking these advantages. The rules and a table for this can be found by clicking on the star right
In the Forgotten Realms, a lot of spell-trading is done at so called magefairs. These are gatherings of wizards from all over Toril (sorry, no bards allowed). Here they trade spells, recipies for potions, notes on magical research, magical items... And, last but not least, they've got a lot of fun, telling each other stories and practising with combined castings. But it's not all fun and happiness there. It sometimes happens that two wizards have an argument that cannot be solved by talking alone. With ordinary people, something like a bar brawl might well follow, but with a mass of high-level wizards, that might impose a serious threat to the neighbouring cities. Therefore, there are specialized rules, which are part of the wizard's rules of conduct on a magefair, which govern the spell-battles that are often held to solve these problems. To take a look at them, you can click on the pic...
Alright, that's all for the talking for now. Here are the spells:
SPELL: fetching sphere | |
LEVEL: 1 RANGE: 10 yds./level DURATION: 1 rd./level AREA OF EFFECT: 8" sphere |
SCHOOL: invocation/conjuration COMPONENTS: v,s CASTING TIME: 1 SAVING THROW: special |
This spell creates a 8-inch diameter sphere, that can move, at will of the caster, up to maximum range and fetch a small item, to return with it to the caster. The item must fit into the sphere and cannot be heavier than 1 pound per caster level. Only objects directly in possession of a creature and magical objects recieve a saving throw. The sphere has a speed of 20 yds./round. |
SPELL: wall of darkness | |
LEVEL: 2 RANGE: 10 ft./level DURATION: 1 turn/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
This spell creates a magical field that stops the passage of light, but only in one direction. The field must be placed vertically and its maximum size is set by the caster's level. For every experience level of the caster, the field can have 1 yard of height and width. Thus, a sixth-level caster can create a field of up to 6 by 6 yards. The effect of this spell is a wall that is completely black when viewed from one side, and nearly invisible when viewed from the other side (a faint shimmering can be seen). When created, the wall will always have its black side turned away from the caster. This spell can be negated by casting a light or continual light spell (both wizard and priest versions) on it. |
SPELL: lesser stoneskin | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 0 DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
SCHOOL: alteration COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 rd. SAVING THROW: none |
This spell is a simplified version of the 4th-level stoneskin spell. The spells protection is similar and it protects the same amount of times. Unlike stoneskin however, it can only be used on the caster himself. Also, this spell requires active direction of its protection. This means that the caster must, by silent act of will, activate the spell to protect him from an attack. Willing the spell to activate does not count as the caster's action in a round, nor is he caster's spell disrupted when he needs to call on the protection while casting. The difference of active direction lies herein that the spell can only protect the caster against attacks he sees coming. The caster cannot wait with the activation of the spell until he knows that an attack will hit, by then he will be far too late. Note that the caster can choose not to be protected against attacks. The material components of this spell are the same of stoneskin, i.e. granite and diamond dust. |
SPELL: unwelcome ward | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 10 yds. DURATION: 1 hour/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
SCHOOL: abjuration COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 3 SAVING THROW: special |
This spell brings into being an invisible globe with a radius up to 1 yd./level. Any living creature who wants to enter the globe must make a succesful saving throw vs. spell or be unable to proceed. Those saving can enter the globe freely and can do so ever again by that particular casting of unwelcome ward. Those failing the saving throw will never be able to enter that particular globe (unless they dispel it or something like that). This spell has a weakness however. The globe can be pierced by a wooden stake (or any pointed wooden object), enabling the creature carrying the object to enter without having to make a saving throw. The globe reforms instantly behind that creature. Note that this spell only has a one-way function and that it cannot be reversed as to capture creatures within. Any creature inside the globe is unrestricted to leave. |
SPELL: life screening | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: unlimited DURATION: 30 days AREA OF EFFECT: 1 creature |
By means of this spell, the caster is, at any time, aware of the physical health of the recipient. The caster can feel when the following states are passed: first wound, half hp, 0 hp and -10 hp. The spell also functions as a beacon for teleport spells, so that the caster can teleport to the recipient at any time within the duration as if the location is very familiar. The recipient need not be willing to be affected by the spell. Once cast, the spell cannot be noticed by the recipient. |
SPELL: great ball of fire | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: 10 yds.+10 yds/level DURATION: instantaneous AREA OF EFFECT: special |
This spell creates a fireball like the 3rd-level spell with some changes. Its deals 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster up to a maximum of 12d6. The great ball of fire comes to the victim(s) from a point within range chosen by the caster. |
SPELL: sphere of protection | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: 0 DURATION: up to one hour AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
This spell puts the caster in a specially created pocket dimension, about the size of a small room, which is anchored to the location the caster was in when he cast the spell. No other creature can gain access to this dimension by means less than inter-dimensional travelling spells, but a dispel magic cast on the anchor-point of the pocket will cause the spell to end and the caster to come forth unwillingly. While in this pocket dimension, the caster can cast any spell himself or his carried equipment, use potions or magical items and make any other action that does not involve other creatures or the outer world. The wizard can choose to come forth from the pocket dimension at any time and he is brought forth if he remains there till the end of the duration. When the spell ends, all objects in the space are ejected with the caster into the mother-plane. Note that the oxygen level within the pocket dimension remains at a safe value, regardless of any action the caster chooses to perform, even if it involves creating a fire. The material component of this spell is a glass sphere filled with air (which must be crafted specifically for the caster, costing about 10 GP) enclosed in a normal beltpouch. |
SPELL: spell barrier | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 1 turn/level AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the caster at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the caster. Once per round of its existence, the wizard can silently assign it one school of magic, which it is not to let through. If no new school is assigned, the barrier retains the last. The barrier has three properties: First it negates all spells of the appropriate school that are cast through the field. Second it strips that type of magic from all temporarily enchanted objects that pass through the field (i.e. the magic is also negated). Third, the shield disallows mental or telepathic control and spell-concentration to be exercized through it. Again, this only counts for spells of the chosen school. Note that spells belonging to two schools or more can never be affected by this spell. Priest spells can be affected too, using the wizard-school entry. The caster can end the spell on command. The material component of this spell is a small shard of glass. |
SPELL: unblinking eyes | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: 10 yds. DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 location |
This spell is cast on some location, no matter if it is on an object, creature or in empty air. Like a magic mouth spell, it waits until its specific trigger conditions are met and then activates. Upon activation, the spell makes the caster aware that these conditions have been met and enables the caster to see at will the immediate surroundings of the spot for one round within one turn. The spell can discern things like alignment and class and can see invisible or hidden things, so possible triggers are: "when an evil-aligned wizard enters the room" or "when any person not carrying a gold coin in his right pocket comes within 40 yds.". Command range is 5 yds. per level of the caster, so the last example must have been used by a wizard of 8th level or greater. |
SPELL: flame shape | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 10 ft./lvl DURATION: 1 turn/lvl AREA OF EFFECT: special |
This spell enables the caster to create constructs of fire. These constructs vanish when the caster wills them to, but fires caused by the flames cannot be so extinguished. The effects of this spell must fit within a 20 yd. cube but this cube is not stationairy, it just limits the size of and distance between constructs. The caster cannot create solid constructs of fire, only the outlines of it, made from up to 1 feet thick fields of fire. Thus the caster cannot create a 5 yd. cube of fire, but he could create a box of fire, with six 1 foot thick walls. Per round, two small or one large construct can be created with an initiative modifier of 1. The fire causes 3d6 points of damage to any creature touching it and forces saving throws vs. magical fire from flammable materials, but can never harm the caster and all his worn and carried equipment. The caster can mentally urge constructs to move, causing a movement with MV 6. Moving one construct takes all the caster's concentration as long as the movement is maintained. The constructs can hang in midair. Any creature that is being touched by the caster also is protected against the flames. In combat, the caster can cause fire to appear where a creature is standing or moving, but this allows for a saving throw vs. spell for half damage. Such an attack can be made twice per round. |
SPELL: spellbook summoning | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: touch DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 spellbook |
SCHOOL: conjuration/summoning COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 rd. SAVING THROW: none |
This spell is exceptionally useful for the traveling mage who is afraid of losing his precious spellbooks. It enables the caster to transport one of his own spellbooks (and only his own) to a specially prepared box, which can be anywhere on the same plane of existence, and summon it to him again at a later point in time. For every level of the caster, the book can be send away and reclaimed once. This box, which is not consumed, must have been crafted of the finest wood and with golden fittings. The cost of the materials and workmanship for this box can never be less than 1500 GP. For this spell to work, some magical effect, produced by the caster of the summoning, must be active on this box. Examples of spells usually used for this are wizard mark, leomund's trap and wizard lock. There is no time limitation between the moment spellbook summoning is cast and the moment the caster reclaims his book. The summoning of the book is done by silent act of will and is instantaneous. If the box is of sufficient size, the caster can use this spell on more of his spellbooks and send them to the same box. |
SPELL: improved spell barrier | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 10 yds./level DURATION: 1 turn/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
This spell creates an invisible field of antimagic up to 15 x 15 yds. Once per round of its existence, the wizard can silently assign it one school of magic, which it is not to let through. If no new school is assigned, the shield retains the last. The shield has three properties: First it negates all spells of the appropriate school that are cast through the field. Second it strips that type of magic from all temporarily enchanted objects and creatures that pass through the field (i.e. the magic is also negated). Third, the shield disallows mental or telepathic control and spell-concentration to be exercized through it. Spells that end when concentration ceases can thus be negated too. Again, this only counts for spells of the chosen school. Note that spells belonging to two schools or more can never be affected by this spell. Priest spells can be affected too, using the wizard-school entry. The caster can end the spell on command. The material component of this spell is a small shard of glass. |
SPELL: missile mockery | |
LEVEL: 5 RANGE: 10 yds. DURATION: 1 turn/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
SCHOOL: illusion, evocation COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 5 SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the caster to create an illusory figure that looks just like he wishes. This illusion cannot copy an individual, but it can create a figure typical for a certain army for example. This figure can move with MV 12 and go anywhere as long as it remains on the same plane as its caster. The caster can, at any time he wants to, see what the figure's eyes can see and make the figure move or make any motion or use any of its illusory equipment. Note that the caster can't hear anything, nor has the illusion the power to affect anything physical or the power of speech. Additionally, the caster can end the spell instantaneously by making the illusion explode in a burst of magic missiles. The number of magic missiles is dependent on how much longer the spell could have worked. For every full turn of duration left unused, the figure can shoot 2 magic missiles. Thus, if the spell isn't ended prematurely, the image just fades away, without magic missiles. The magic missiles shoot at random targets, but always target living creatures. So if there's only one creature in the room with the illusion when it is detonated, this creature will be hit by all magic missiles. The material component is an eyeball. |
SPELL: lightning ball | |
LEVEL: 6 RANGE: touch DURATION: 1 day/4 levels AREA OF EFFECT: 1 ball |
SCHOOL: evocation COMPONENTS: v,m CASTING TIME: 5 rds. SAVING THROW: special |
For this spell, the wizards needs a specially created, solid steel ball with a diameter of 8 inches. While casting the spell, the wizards must hold the ball (presumably with two hands). Upon completion of the spell, the ball rises in the air, to a hight of 2 feet above the head of the caster, but never closer than 1 feet to the ceiling. From that moment on, the ball will protect the room around it by firing a lightning bolt at anyone coming in range except for the caster. Please note that this should be take very literally. The ball will only fire twice at a creature if it first leaves the room and then re-enters. The ball can fire 1 bolt for every 4 levels of the caster. These bolts do the same damage as a bolt cast by the caster himself would do, have the same range, but the ball only fires the narrow stroke type, not the forked bolt. After these are fired, the ball will remain in the air, mostly harmless. At the end of the duration, the ball lowers slowly to the ground, any remaining bolts wasted. |
SPELL: improved wall of stone | |
LEVEL: 6 RANGE: 5 yds/level DURATION: permanent AREA OF EFFECT: special |
This spell is a variation on the standard wall of stone spell. The wall that is created by this spell is the same as that spell, but this wall can be made to vanish temporarily. There are two ways as to how this can be accomplished and one of these must be chosen at the time this spell is cast. The first possibility is that the caster can, wherever he may be, make the wall disappear by silent act of will. The second option is to include a command word which can be used by any talking creature, within 20 ft. of the wall, to make the wall disappear. In both cases, the wall will disappear for about 3 seconds and then reappear, ejecting anyone in its place to a random side of the wall. The material component for this spell is the same as for the wall of stone spell, except that the granite must be grinded to a powder. |
SPELL: instant apprentice | |
LEVEL: 7 RANGE: touch DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 creature |
SCHOOL: alteration COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 rd. SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables non-spellcasters to cast a spell for once and spellcasters, of lower level than the caster, to cast a more powerfull spell than they normally can. For every level above 13th the caster has, he can bestow one (additional) spell-level to the recipient, to a maximum of five spell-levels. Only one spell can be transferred per casting. Spells transferred are wiped from the casters memory. Material component: a glass rod with a small gem at each end, worth at least 500 GP, which must be kept, unbroken, by the caster for the transferred spell to work. It shatters when the transferred spell is cast. |
SPELL: maze map | |
LEVEL: 8 RANGE: 0 DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 50-yd.radius |
This spell sends out a couple of eyes from the location the caster is standing in. For every direction a person can go to (a hallway, a staircase, an alley, a passage), an eye is created and is send in that direction. The eyes move through the passageways with MV 6 and every time they come across a place where a person can choose a way, they split up into as many eyes as there are ways and each eye takes one of the possible directions. The eyes only move through ways a human can walk or crawl through. If the way one eye is following ends or is blocked by a closed door or something, that eye (and that particular eye only) returns to the caster. When an eye reaches the limit of the spell's area of effect (50 yds. from the caster's original location), it returns also. When an eye returns to the caster, it disappears into his body and confers all visual information it gathered on its journey to the caster. So when all eyes have returned, the caster has a good understanding of all easily accessible ways around his location. He could easily confer his knowledge to paper to create a map and can find his way in the area of effect as if he has been there many times before. The eyes are visible and are AC 3 to hit. They have 5 hp each. All information gathered by a destroyed eye is lost. The material component of this spell is an eyeball. |
SPELL: spell editor | |
LEVEL: 9 RANGE: 0 DURATION: instantaneous AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
SCHOOL: invocation, alteration COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 hour SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the caster to create any spell he would need without having to research it. The player writes down the spell and shows it to his DM as if he was going to research it. The DM will check the spell and assign it a spell-level. Then the spell editor is cast and makes that the new spell is memorized. The new spell can be cast normally any time thereafter, but once cast it is gone. To cast that spell again, the caster must either employ another spell editor or research the spell normally. This spell can even allow the caster to cast a spell once that he cannot research because he has already learned his maximum number of spells of that level. Material component: a small white pebble. |
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