Spell Battle: The Magefair Duel
The following rules are part of the wizard's code of honor when visiting a magefair and violating these rules will result in the offending wizard being expelled from the magefair and
being denied all future help by the other wizards present.
All possible conflicts occuring at a magefair are to be resolved in a magefair duel, governed by the following rules:
- The loser of the duel is the mage who is the first to lose consciousness or to give up. Giving up might or might not be a deliberate act of the wizard, but the result is the same. Thus, if a competing wizard has enough control over his opponent to make him give up, he has won the duel. Note that giving up is seen by many mages as the utmost humiliation, so they are unlikely to do so when under the influence of a simple spell like charm person.
- Both combatants are given an amulet of life protection to avoid death. Tampering with this amulet or hampering the effects are strictly against the rules.
- Spells that cause long range transportation of the caster or a victim are not allowed. The duel must be fought on the magefair location. Examples of these are teleport, vanish and succor. Note that wizards are allowed to become astral or ethereal, although that does involve partial transportation to another plane.
- Spells that cause the alteration of reality or have influence outside the normal time-stream are not allowed. Examples of these are limited wish and wish.
The rules given above are the core rules. If the duel is held using full rules, the following rules must also be obeyed:
- No magical items may be used in the duel. This counts for permanent magical items as well as charged ones like staves and wands. Note that some spells can create temporary magical items. These spells are allowed. Examples of these are enchanted weapon, ringweave and spell vessel.
- Spells that cause immediate, hit point independent death are not allowed. Examples of these are death spell, disintegrate and finger of death.
- Spells that sometimes have a side effect of instantaneous death (i.e. require the victim to make a system shock roll) are not allowed. Examples of these are polymorph other, flesh to stone and polymorph any object.
- Spells that cause the permanent loss of hit points, experience levels or abilities are not allowed. Examples of these are energy drain, blackstaff and dweomerdeny.
Conflicts between more than two wizards still must be fought out by only two. The other wizards involved are not allowed to interfere with the combatants, nor can there be substitution.
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