SPELL: corrosive conduit | |
LEVEL: 1 RANGE: touch DURATION: 1 turn/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
SCHOOL: metamagic, enchantment COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the caster to enchant one length of rope, thread or similar item. This rope is then capable of channeling magical energy from any caster, both wizard and priest, to creatures or objects touching the rope. Thus, touch-ranged spells can be used on characters or objects connected to the rope by touching the rope anywhere. Affected creatures and objects are chosen by the caster and are allowed any saving throws normally allowed by the channeled spell. At the end of the spell, the used rope or thread is partly consumed and thus severely weakened. |
SPELL: delusive delay | |
LEVEL: 1 RANGE: 0 DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
SCHOOL: metamagic COMPONENTS: v,s CASTING TIME: 1 round SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the caster to keep one spell, that is cast immediately after this one, from taking effect for up to 1 turn. In this time, the wizard must concentrate on holding the spell, which means he cannot cast other spells, have a conversation, fight or move faster than half his normal movement rate. When concentration ceases, the spell is unleashed instantly. Notes that this is immediately at the beginning of the first combat round, if releasing the spell provokes a fight and thus, the wizard can still perform some other action in that first round. If the spell is not released after one turn, the wizard receives one last urge to cast it and if he still does not, the spell does not take effect but fizzles very noticably and fails. |
SPELL: power word, cease | |
LEVEL: 1 RANGE: touch DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 creature |
This spell can be cast on any spellcasting creature aswell as the caster himself, and affects the next one spell that is cast by the spell recipient. The affected spell functions normally, but if it has a duration other then instantaneous, a command word is included, which can be used by anyone within a 100 ft. of the spell's area of effect to cancel the spell at any time. This command word is decided, but not spoken, by the caster upon casting the power word, cease spell. |
SPELL: visibility | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEVEL: 1 RANGE: 10 yards/level DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 creature |
SCHOOL: metamagic COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 SAVING THROW: negating |
This spell only affects spellcasters and has its effect on the next one spell that the recipient casts. This spell causes all magical flows that are created by the cast spell to become visible, coloured streams of radiance. The caster can use this spell on himself, to create an impressive magic-show, or he can use it on enemies to make it obvious what kind of spell they are using. The colours of the streams indicate wat school(s) of magic is (are) used to produce the effect. These colours are:
SPELL: mindfields | |
LEVEL: 2 RANGE: 0 DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 4 spells |
SCHOOL: metamagic COMPONENTS: v,s CASTING TIME: 1 round SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the caster to copy up to 4 spells that he has memorized to another place in his mind. Say, the caster normally can memorize five 3rd-level spells and currently has only one 3rd-level spell memorized, e.g. fireball. Upon casting mindfields, he can duplicate this spell four times. In effect, he will then have five fireball spells. This spell can duplicate 1 spell 4 times, 4 spells 1 time each or any combination of these. Mindfields cannot duplicate itself or another memorized mindfields spell. |
SPELL: miraculum | |
LEVEL: 2 RANGE: 0 DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 memorized spell |
This spell modifies one other spell that is memorized in the caster's mind at the time the miraculum is cast, allowing the caster to cast that other spell without one of its normal components, except for materials, which always must be provided. Spells that normally have only one component can be cast by silent act of will alone and with casting time 0. The component to be omitted must be chosen when this spell is cast. There is no time limit between the casting of the miraculum and the unleashing of the modified spell. |
SPELL: relentless pursuit | |
LEVEL: 2 RANGE: 30 yards DURATION: 1 round AREA OF EFFECT: 10 feet cube |
This spell can lock on to a magical trace from transportation spells like dimension door, teleport, teleport without error and similar spells. If this spell is cast on an area where in the previous round a transportation spell has been used, it enables the caster to use a transportation spell in the round after it to exact the same location as the first. Thus, the caster can teleport to a completely unknown location by using this spell. Note that pursuing somebody who used teleport to get away with a dimension door spell has little chance of succeeding. The same counts for using teleport for pursuing somebody who went to another plane with teleport without error for instance. In such cases, the transportation spell simply fails. Die rolls for teleporting high or low are not necessary; if the first caster arrived on the right spot, his pursuer will do so too. |
SPELL: spellstack | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 2 rounds AREA OF EFFECT: the caster |
This spell has to be cast preceding two other spells, both up to 2nd level. It enables the caster to delay the moment that the first spell takes effect until the second spell is cast. When the second spell is cast, both spells take effect almost simultaneously, the first spell first, the second immediately after it. The material component for this spell is a ring from a ring- or chainmail. |
SPELL: magelink | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 30 yards DURATION: 3 rounds/level AREA OF EFFECT: 1 spellcaster |
This spell crosslinks the memorized spells of two wizards, one of which being the caster of the magelink spell. If the recipient of the spell casts a spell that is also memorized in the caster's mind, the caster has his spell activated by the casting procedures of the other wizard. The caster cannot choose not to activate his memorized spell. Both spells take effect at the same instant but each caster can target his own spell. Note that it is possible for the magelink caster to produce two spell effects in one round, one activated by himself and one by the magelink recipient (or victim). The material components required for the two spells are one time those used for a single application of the spell, provided by the magelink recipient. Once the link is made, the two wizards need only stay within 120 yds. of each other for the magelink to be effective. Exceeding this range does not cause the spell to end, but its properties cannot be used in that situation. A special option is provided by this spell when it is used to activate a teleportation spell. In this case, the magelink caster can opt to use his own transportation spell to go to the same location as the recipient did, even if he does not know where he is going. No die rolls of teleporting high or low are necessary. If the original caster arrived on the right spot, the magelink caster will do so too. |
SPELL: mirror of spell reflection | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 10 yds./level DURATION: 1 turn AREA OF EFFECT: 1x1 yard square |
SCHOOL: metamagic COMPONENTS: s,m CASTING TIME: 1 round SAVING THROW: none |
This spell creates a 4 by 6 inch reflective field that can be placed anywhere within range. The field can hang in midair and can be aimed at will by the caster. The one round casting time includes aiming the mirror at the first target. The caster can cast spells at things he can see in the mirror. The mirror then reflects these spells to the true location of the targets. Re-aligning the mirror for additional uses inflicts a +2 initiative penalty on the spell used. Note that this spell does not increase the range of the effected spells, it only enables the caster to enspell things he cannot see directly. The spell always adjust its size to fit into the mirror, thus, a cone-like shape. The material component is a small metal mirror. |
SPELL: spellblock | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 10 yards/level DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 spellcaster |
This spell acts like some sort of reversal of the Jalartan's miraculum spell. Non-spellcasters are unaffected by this spell, that affects a random spell from the highest spell level the victim can cast. Instead of removing a component from the memorized spell, it adds another component to it. As this component is unknown to the victim, he cannot cast the spell. The effect of this spell is unknown to the victim until he tries to cast the altered spell, that has no effect and is lost. |
SPELL: spell rage | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 0 DURATION: instantaneous AREA OF EFFECT: 2 memorized spells |
When this spell is cast it triggers two other memorized spells (up to 4th level) to occur within that same round. The spell effects can be directed normally. The material components of the triggered spells must still be provided. |
SPELL: spell vessel | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: touch DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 weapon |
SCHOOL: metamagic, enchantment COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 round + special SAVING THROW: none |
With this spell, the wizard can store an offensive combat spell in any weapon. The spell discharges at will of the wielder of the weapon, who need not be a spellcaster. Unleashing the stored magic can be done with any other action in one round, as long as the character touches the weapon. The duration of the spell is permanent until discharged. The casting time is 1 round + the casting time of the combat spell. Material components: 500 GP worth of diamant dust and a dried butterfly cocoon. |
SPELL: trigger | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 0 DURATION: special AREA OF EFFECT: 1 memorized spell |
SCHOOL: metamagic COMPONENTS: v,s (+m) CASTING TIME: 5 rounds SAVING THROW: none |
When trigger is cast, it merges with 1 other spell the caster has memorized at that moment. At that moment, the wizard must have the material components of the target spell (if any), which are consumed and must fulfill other special requirements of the spell other than setting variable parameters such as range, target, verbal suggestion, etc. The product of the merging occupies two slots in the casters memory, the slot the trigger spell was in and the slot of the still memorized target spell. Also, when casting the trigger spell, the wizard must choose a simple verbal and/or somatic trigger, which is going to be the only component of the merged result. This trigger action cannot be changed later. When this trigger action is fulfilled by the caster, the target spell is unleashed instantly. This action has a casting time of 0 and can allow the caster to use magic in situation that would not normally allow this. Examples are under physical restrictions (bound), magical restrictions (silence spell) and social restrictions (negotiation or peaceful encounter). There is no time limit between casting the trigger spell and unleashing the merged result, nor is there a limitation on how many triggered spells a wizard can have memorized (except his normal spell allowance, of course). |
SPELL: wondrous missile | |
LEVEL: 3 RANGE: 0 DURATION: 1 round AREA OF EFFECT: 1 missile |
This spell is cast as an extension of a touch-ranged spell. Both spells can be cast in the same round. When cast, the spell does no activate normally, instead being held until the next round. If the caster casts a magic missile spell or uses a wand of magic missiles in the next round, he can link the touch-spell to one of his magic missiles. Thereby he doesn't need to roll an attack roll against the target and the target suffers the effect of the touch-spell and the damage from the magic missile in the same round. A saving throw is permitted only if the touch-spell normally allows for one. Examples of spells with which this spell can work are shocking grasp, curse, etc. |
SPELL: energizer | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: touch DURATION: 1 round AREA OF EFFECT: the wizard |
SCHOOL: metamagic, enchantment COMPONENTS: v,s CASTING TIME: 4 SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the wizard to touch a charged magical item and drain one charge from it to power a spell. The round after casting this spell, the wizard can cast one spell he had memorized within the last 48 hours. |
SPELL: bolt | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: 20 feet/level DURATION: 1 round/level AREA OF EFFECT: special |
This spell is sometimes used by Harper mages who are expecting trouble but have a need to carry mostly nonbattle spells. In any round of its duration, it can "drink" any spell that is currently memorized in the caster's mind, converting it into a magical bolt. This raw pulse leaps at a being of the caster's choice, striking at a +4 bonus to hit and using the caster's THAC0. The caster can will the pulse to fly straight or to arc around or over barriers. A bolt that misses simply fades away and the magic is wasted, but a hit causes the target being 1d6+1 points of damage per level of the spell that is converted. Undead and other beings linked to the Negative Energy Plane suffer 1d6+2 points of damage per spell level instead. |
SPELL: limited transfer | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: touch DURATION: instantaneous AREA OF EFFECT: 1 magical item |
SCHOOL: metamagic, enchantment COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 4 SAVING THROW: negating |
This spell is able to 'steal' the permanency magic from any permanent magical item, and then have it extend the duration of an already existing magic. Any magical item that this spell is cast on recieves an item saving throw against disintegration, modified for the fact that the item is magical, representing the fact that permanency magic resists against disruption. If the saving throw is made, the magical item remains unharmed and this spell is lost. If the saving throw is failed, the magic of the item is lost, but this spell bestows the permanency effect partly on the chosen magical effect. This magical effect, which can be an active spell effect or a charged magical item, then has its duration extended to one day per level of the caster. Note that this spell is a lot more flexible in what magical effects can be prolonged than the permanency spell itself, for the effect need only be stable for a couple of days. Any dispelling attempts against the extended magical effect are made against the standard 12th-level for magical items or the transfer caster's level, whichever is greater. |
SPELL: rainbow shield | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: touch DURATION: 1 round/level AREA OF EFFECT: 1 creature |
SCHOOL: metamagic, evocation COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 4 SAVING THROW: special |
This spell envelops the caster or a willing recipient in a glowing aura of swirling colors, corresponding to the casters mood. Another spell must be cast into the shield of 3rd level or less. Thereafter the effects of that spell are visited on anyone seeking to strike at or through the shield. The shield affects only creatures making melee attacks. The second spell cannot be altered once cast. The material component is an iridescent shell. |
SPELL: slumbering rose | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: special DURATION: 1 day/level AREA OF EFFECT: 1 location |
SCHOOL: metamagic COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 round / 5 SAVING THROW: none |
This spell enables the wizard to put certain spells on hold, waiting to be unleashed. The only spells that can be put on hold, are the spells where the caster at the time of the casting has to designate an unmovable area of effect. Examples are web, fireball and wizard eye, but not magic missile, for this spell has to be targeted on a creature rather than a location. To put a spell on hold, slumbering rose must first be cast, followed in the round after it by the spell to be put on hold. Thereafter, at any time within the slumbering rose's duration, when the wizard concentrates on releasing the spell undisturbed (speed 5), the spell unleashes on the spot where it was originally cast. So a fireball comes from the place where the wizard stood when he put it on hold and explodes on the pre-designated location. A minor globe of invulnerability would appear on the spot where the wizard stood when he cast it, not where the wizard is concentrating. If the wizard is disturbed while concentrating, the spell is not unleashed and the whole spell complex is ruined. The material component for this spell is a red rose that is to be placed on the spot where the hold is cast. The rose has to have been picked within the last seven days. If the rose is removed from that room where the slumbering rose is cast, the spell won't work, which the caster will instantly know. |
SPELL: volcano | |
LEVEL: 4 RANGE: 120 yds. DURATION: 1 turn/level AREA OF EFFECT: 1 globe |
SCHOOL: metamagic, abjuration COMPONENTS: v,s,m CASTING TIME: 1 round SAVING THROW: none |
This spell is based on the principle of intentionally overloading the properties of an abjuration dweomer. It creates a shimmering, 3 foot diameter globe which is stationary after its creation. This globe is capable of taking in and holding fast any invocation spell that is targeted on it. Spells not normally targeted on one point cannot be used. Another metamagic spell, Galkyn's bolt, is capable of transforming any spell into the energy required for the volcano spell, but the caster has to stand close to the globe if he doesn't want to make attack rolls to hit it. The globe can absorb spells from the caster as well as other mages, if the caster can get them to target the strange shimmering globe. The amount of energy the globe holds is measured in spell-levels. A magic missile spell yields 1 spell-level to the globe and a fireball spell 3. The globe can stably hold as many spell levels as the caster has experience levels. If the amount of energy is increased beyond this point, the globe ruptures and the energy is thrown out in an explosion of raw magical energy. The produced shockwave affects all buildings, creatures, equipment and magical effects in a radius of 20 yds. To buildings and creatures, the explosion inflicts 1d8 points of damage per spell-level. In addition, the explosion creates a knockdown-chance against any creature in the explosion area, using a d20. The power of the explosion is great enough to completely destroy any wooden building and seriously damage most castles. All equipment caught in the explosion must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow or be seriously damaged. The raw magical energy of the explosion has a chance to disrupt magical effects within the blast radius. This chance is the same as with a dispel magic spell functioning at the same level as the amount of spell-levels in the globe. Few magical defenses protect against raw energy discharges such as these. The spells usually used to guard against magic missiles and fireballs will certainly fail to protect its user against this. If the energy capacity of the globe is not overcharged before the duration of this spell ends, the explosion will take place at that instance, having the usual effects (but less effective, because less energy has been absorbed). The material component of this spell is a 100 GP pearl. |
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